Aarhus University Seal

Kærgaard - Remediation Monitoring

Cross-borehole mapping of in-situ remediation

The cleaning up of heavily contaminated areas such as Kærgaard Klitplantage, is an extremely expensive task. It is often inconvenient as well as costly to move the contamination prior to remediation, which is why it is an advantage use in-situ chemical oxidation as a method for cleaning up.

In-situ chemical oxidation requires injection of sufficient oxidizing material in the entire contaminated volume. At present, the distribution of the oxidizing material is probed by an expensive network of monitoring boreholes, which only provide information in discrete points, meaning there is no direct information about the conditions between the boreholes. By measuring with cross-borehole DCIP, we will be able to map the distribution of the oxidizing agent directly  .

In early 2019 we finished the first stage, with 10 electrode boreholes covering a test area of pit 4. In fall of 2019 we started a full scale test, with 30 electrode boreholes, covering the entirety of pit 1. 

  • ERT/IP
  • ABEM Terrameter LS
  • Custom borehole electrodes
  • The region of Southern Denmark
  • HGG, Department of Geoscience, Aarhus University