Cai, H, Hu, X, Xiong, B
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Larsen, F, Long Vu Tran, Van Hoang, H, Luu Thi Tran,
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Pedersen, JB, Schaars, FW
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Mapping the fresh-saltwater interface in the coastal zone using high-resolution airborne electromagnetics',
First Break, vol. 35, no. 8, pp. 57-61. <>
Fareed, MMS, Chun, Q, Ahmed, G
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Asif, MR, Qi, C, Hussain, S, Sadiq Fareed, M & Khan, S 2017, '
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Strøyberg Klint, KE, Møller, I
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Marker, PA
, Vilhelmsen, TN, Foged, N, Wernberg, T
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Wemegah, DD, Fiandaca, G, Auken, E, Menyeh, A & Danuor, SK 2017, '
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Near Surface Geophysics, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 75-84.
Behroozmand, AA, Knight, R, Müller-Petke, M
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Khan, S, Jaffery, MH, Hanif, A
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Madsen, LM, Fiandaca, G, Auken, E & Christiansen, AV 2017, '
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Chandra, S, Ahmed, S
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Christiansen, AV, Auken, E, Kirkegaard, C, Schamper, CNC & Vignoli, G 2016, '
An efficient hybrid scheme for fast and accurate inversion of airborne transient electromagnetic data',
Exploration Geophysics, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 331-340.
Andersen, KK, Kirkegaard, C, Foged, N, Christiansen, AV & Auken, E 2016, '
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Geophysical Prospecting, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 741-752.
Olsson, P-I
, Fiandaca, G, Larsen, JJ, Dahlin, T
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Geophysical Journal International, vol. 207, no. 2, ggw260, pp. 774-784.
Tomaškovičová, S, Ingeman-Nielsen, T
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Pedersen, J, Christiansen, AV, Auken, E & Sten, M 2016, '
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Dalgaard, E, Mueller-Petke, M
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Foley, N, Tulaczyk, S
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Christiansen, AV, Pedersen, JB, Auken, E, Søe, NE, Holst, MK & Kristiansen, SM 2016, '
Improved geoarchaeological mapping with electromagnetic induction instruments from dedicated processing and inversion',
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Christiansen, AV, Pedersen, JB, Auken, E, Soe, NE, Holst, MK & Kristiansen, SM 2016, '
Improved Geoarchaeological Mapping with Electromagnetic Induction Instruments from Dedicated Processing and Inversion',
Remote Sensing, vol. 8, no. 12, 1022.
Behroozmand, AA, Auken, E, Fiandaca, G & Rejkjaer, S 2016, '
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Edsen, A, Larsen, TH, Tuxen, N, Kerrn-Jespersen, H, Hamburger, N, Looms, MC, Nielsen, L
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Asif, MR, Chun, Q, Hussain, S & Fareed, MS 2016, '
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Asif, MR, Qi, C, Hussain, S & Sadiq Fareed, M 2016, '
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Chongo, M
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Auken, E, Christiansen, AV, Kirkegaard, C, Fiandaca, G, Schamper, C
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An overview of a highly versatile forward and stable inverse algorithm for airborne, ground-based and borehole electromagnetic and electric data',
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Mikucki, JA
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Doetsch, J, Ingeman-Nielsen, T
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Direct current (DC) resistivity and induced polarization (IP) monitoring of active layer dynamics at high temporal resolution',
Cold Regions Science and Technology, vol. 119, pp. 16-28.
Doetsch, J, Fiandaca, G, Auken, E, Christiansen, AV, Cahill, AG & Jakobsen, R 2015, '
Field-scale time-domain spectral induced polarization monitoring of geochemical changes induced by injected CO2 in a shallow aquifer',
Geophysics, vol. 80, no. 2, pp. WA113-WA126.
Fiandaca, G, Doetsch, J, Vignoli, G & Auken, E 2015, '
Generalized focusing of time-lapse changes with applications to direct current and time-domain induced polarization inversions',
Geophysical Journal International, vol. 203, no. 2, pp. 1101-1112.
Podgorski, JE, Green, AG, Kalscheuer, T, Kinzelbach, WKH, Horstmeyer, H, Maurer, H, Rabenstein, L
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Integrated interpretation of helicopter and ground-based geophysical data recorded within the Okavango Delta, Botswana',
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Chongo, M
, Christiansen, AV, Fiandaca, G, Nyambe, IA, Larsen, F & Bauer-Gottwein, P 2015, '
Mapping localised freshwater anomalies in the brackish paleo-lake sediments of the Machile-Zambezi Basin with transient electromagnetic sounding, geoelectrical imaging and induced polarisation',
Journal of Applied Geophysics, vol. 123, pp. 81-92.
Olsson, P-I, Dahlin, T
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Measuring time-domain spectral induced polarization in the on-time: decreasing acquisition time and increasing signal-to-noise ratio',
Journal of Applied Geophysics, vol. 123, pp. 316-321.
Marker, PA
, Foged, N, He, X
, Christiansen, AV, Refsgaard, JC, Auken, E & Bauer-Gottwein, P 2015, '
Performance evaluation of groundwater model hydrostratigraphy from airborne electromagnetic data and lithological borehole logs',
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. 3875-3890.
Vignoli, G
, Fiandaca, G, Christiansen, AV, Kirkegaard, C & Auken, E 2015, '
Sharp spatially constrained inversion with applications to transient electromagnetic data',
Geophysical Prospecting, vol. 63, no. 1, pp. 243-255.