Aarhus University Seal


See below for a list of project publications. Please don't hesitate to contact the project management if you are interested in one of the publications.

Christiansen, A. V., E. Auken, HyGEM - a new Strategic Research Council project for linking geophysical models to hydrological models, Danish Water Forum 6'th Annual Meeting of DWRP, January 2012. pdf

Auken, E., A. V., Christiansen, Integrating Geophysics, Geology, and Hydrology to enhanced Hydrogeological Modelling, AGU, December 2012. pdf

E. Auken., A. V. Christiansen, N. Foged and P. P. Marker, Building conceptual hydrological models directly from boreholes and geophysical data, Geological survey of India, Hyderabad, India, 2014. 


A. A. Behroozmand, E. Dalgaard, A. V. Christiansen, and E. Auken. A comprehensive study of the parameter determination in a joint MRS and TEM data analysis scheme. Near Surface Geophysics 11 (5):557-567, 2013. 

A. A. Behroozmand, K. Keating, and E. Auken. A review of the principles and applications of the NMR technique for near surface characterization. Surveys in Geophysics, 2014. 

A. V. Christiansen, N. Foged, and E. Auken. A concept for calculating accumulated clay thickness from borehole lithological logs and resistivity models for nitrate vulnerability assessment. J.Appl.Geophys. 108:69-77, 2014.

A.-S. Høyer, F. Jørgensen, N. Foged, X. He & A. V. Christiansen. Three-dimensional geological modelling of AEM resistivity data – a comparison of two automatic modelling concepts with manual cognitive modelling. Submitted to J.Appl.Geophysics, 2014. 

A. A. S. Barfod, I. Møller & A. V. Christiansen. Compiling a national resistivity atlas of Denmark based on airborne and ground-based transient electromagnetic data. Journal of Applied Geophysics 134.

N. Foged, E. Auken, A. V. Christiansen, and K. I. Sørensen. Test site calibration and validation of airborne and ground based TEM systems. Geophysics 78 (2):E95-E106, 2013. 

N. Foged, P. A. Marker, A. V. Christiansen, P. Bauer-Gottwein, F. Jørgensen, A.-S. Høyer, and E. Auken. Large scale 3D-modeling by integration of resistivity models and borehole data through inversion. HESS Submitted, 2014. 

J. J. Larsen, E. Dalgaard, and E. Auken. Noise cancelling of MRS signals combining model-based removalof powerline harmonics and multichannel Wiener filtering. Geophysical Journal International 196 (2):828-836, 2014.

T. N. Vilhelmsen, A. A. Behroozmand, S. Christensen, and T. H. Nielsen. Joint inversion of aquifer test, MRS and TEM data. Water Resour.Res. Submitted, 2014. 


A. A. S. Barfod, A. V. Christiansen, and I. Møller. An analysis of the lithology to resistivity relationships using airborne EM and boreholes. Vienna:EGU 2014. 2014. 

A. A. Behroozmand, E. Dalgaard, A. V. Christiansen, and E. Auken. A comprehensive study of the parameter determination in a joint MRS and TEM data analysis scheme. Hannover:5th International Meeting on Magnetic Resonance. 42, 2012. 

A. A. Behroozmand, E. Auken, and G. Fiandaca. On the sensitivity analysis of separated-loop MRS data. San Francisco:AGU fall meeting 2013. 

G. Fiandaca, E. Auken, A. V. Christiansen, and C. Kirkegaard. Voxel inversion of AEM data for improved model integration. AEM 2013, 6th International AEM conference and exhibition, South Africa: 2013. 

G. Fiandaca, E. Auken, A. V. Christiansen, and C. Kirkegaard. Voxel inversion of AEM data for improved model integration. SAGA AEM, South Africa:1-2, 2013.

G. Fiandaca, E. Auken, C. Kirkegaard, and A. V. Christiansen. Voxel inversion of airborne electromagnetic data for improved model integration. Vienna:EGU 2014.

N. Foged, A. V. Christiansen, and P. A. Marker. Large-scale automatic generation of hydrological input from resistivities and boreholes. SAGA AEM, South Africa:1-2, 2013. 

A.-S. Høyer, N. Foged, X. He, and A. V. Christiansen. Geological modelling of AEM and borehole data - comparison of three different approaches. Vienna:EGU 2014. 

P. A. Marker, N. Foged, A. V. Christiansen, K. Mosegaard, E. Auken, and P. Bauer-Gottwein. Informing regional groundwater models with airborne electromagnetic and borehole hydrostratigraphy. Computational Methods in Water Resources 2014: 2014.

I. Møller, A. V. Christiansen, P. Sandersen, V. H. Søndergaard, and F. Jørgensen. On the process of compiling a national resistivity atlas. SAGEEP 2013, Denver, Colorado:EEGS. 2013. 

T. N. Vilhelmsen, A. A. Behroozmand, S. Christensen, E. Auken, and A. V. Christiansen. Incorporation of Magnetic Resonance Sounding data into groundwater models through coupled and joint inversion. København:DWRIP Årsmøde 2014. 

E. Auken and A. V. Christiansen., HyGEM projektet –på vej mod automatiseret brug af geofysiske data i hydrogeologiske modeller. ATV møde 2014, Vingsted, 2014. 

N. Foged., Automatisk generering af 3D geologiske model ud fra resistivitets- og borehulsdata - en inversionstilgang. ATV møde 2014, Vingsted, 2014. 

P. A. Marker., Hydrostratigrafisk zonering til grundvandsmodellering baseret på resistivitets- og borehulsdata, eksempel fra Norsminde. ATV møde 2014, Vingsted, 2014. 

I. Møller., Sammenstilling af et atlas over resistivitet af danske geologiske aflejringer. ATV møde 2014, Vingsted, 2014.

E. Dalgaard., Udfordringerne ved at måle med MRS tæt ved bymæssig bebyggelse og MRS resultater. ATV møde 2014, Vingsted, 2014. 

T. Vilhelmsen., Koblet og joint inversion af MRS data og grundvandsmodeller. ATV møde 2014, Vingsted, 2014. 

N. Kruse., Test bench model. ATV møde 2014, Vingsted, 2014. 

F. Effersøe., SkyTEM kortlægning ved Kasted. ATV møde 2014, Vingsted, 2014. 

M. Rosenberg., Felt og modelstudier i Kasted området perspektiver fra en slutbruger. ATV møde 2014, Vingsted, 2014. 

Ph.d. thesis

N. Foged, Integration of borehole and transient electromagnetic data for automatic compilation of large scale hydrogeological models., p. 1-173, 2014.

Articles & reports

Tapping into the worlds fresh water reserves, Projects 29, Science, Technology and innovation, October 2012. pdf

P. Christiansen., An analysis of cultural electromagnetic noise in relation to NMR., Master thesis, p. 1-92, 2014.

Aarhus Geophysics, Processing and inversion of SkyTEM data Kasted, Denmark., p. 1-98, 2014.