Department of Geoscience
Aarhus Geoscience - Geophysics, Aarhus University is specialized in high-resolution
hydrogeophysics. The focus is on instrument development, survey methodology and design,
data modeling and inversion, data management, and integrated interpretation of geophysical
and geological data. Assoc. Prof. Esben Auken (leader of WP2 and WP6) is an experienced
geophysicist who heads a larger group of hydrogeophysicists and also the knowledge center
GeoFysikSamarbejdet (a collaboration between Aarhus University and the The Danish Nature Agency). Prof. Kurt Sørensen has a long track record for development of geophysical instruments, the most prominent being the SkyTEM system. PhD student Ahmad Behroozmand has during his PhD developed a new inversion code for MRS data and has worked intensively with instruments and survey design. Post-doc Gianluca Fiandaca is a physicist from University of Palermo who in collaboration with researchers and PhD students at Aarhus University has developed a completely new way of measuring, processing, and inverting induced polarization data.
Aarhus Geoscience - Hydrogeology, Aarhus University is specialized in catchment-scale
hydrological modeling with focus on groundwater flow in complex and heterogeneous media,
quantification of uncertainty of model parameters and predictions, data requirements in model
calibration, and application of geophysical data in development and calibration of groundwater
models. Assoc. Prof. Steen Christensen will lead WP5.